Advisory services for existing schools in India.
Bright Education understands the compulsion of existing school in terms of finances and resource person availability. There are schools which are victims of their brand positioning, some schools wants to increase the capacity and some want to improve the results. The requirement may be different but once a school comes under the umbrella of Bright Education, we do not just work to cater the requirement but constantly push to the school to be an ideal school or what we call as Front Runner Schools. Bright Education is India’s exclusive school consultant organisation to restructure existing schools & rebranding of existing schools.
Brand Guidelines & Design Development Services
Logo & Vision, Website, Prospectus, Admission docket, Outdoor creatives, Media Creative, Radio Campaign, and Office Merchandising & Training.
Affiliation Advisory Services
Advisory services for Curriculum Finalisation, Annual Calendar and Planning, Syllabus & Assessment Planning, School Almanac, Planning for School Inauguration
School Quality Audits for CBSE Schools
School Quality Audit program for schools have been designed on the most structured manner to meet the consistent requirements of the schools, transforming the education to the standard of global level.